Call us on: 0114 2694 808

Email us at:

25 Orgreave Lane
S13 9NE

Mar 29


29 March 2020 – we are currently providing telephone advice only until further notice. This may include remote prescriptions where necessary.
On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays this is being provided by Handsworth Dental Care on tel 0114 2697445 and we are providng the telephone advice for both practices on Thursdays and Fridays.

If you think you’ll need a prescription sending remotely to a pharmacy, we’ll need to know which is the closest to you, to minimise travel during lockdown/social distancing, so that we can email it by secure NHSmail. If your pharmacy is outside of Sheffield, please phone the pharmacy to obtain their NHSmail email address.

NHS England have now set up four types of centre in Sheffield to treat dental emergencies –

  • A hub for those being shielded from Covid-19 (over 70s and those with long-term medical conditions)
  • A hub for those patients with symptoms of, or confirmed cases of Covid-19
  • A hub for patients who require am Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP).
  • A hub for patients who need face-to-face treatment that does not require an AGP.

Only Dental Practices will be referring patients who need dental emergencies addressing into these centres, and patients will not be able to access these directly.

Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives.

Updated 8 May 2020